Graceful Garden Apps

My Shift
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only
My Menu 1.14.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only
My Book 1.6.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only
Photo Memo 1.4.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only!
Written Conversation Board 1.0.0
Graceful Garden
This is a simple application that wasdeveloped for written conversation.This is ideal for use in tablet devices in particular.And you can utilize in various situations as a drawing board.[Feature]You can change the thickness of the line.You can change the color(black / red / blue / green).You can send images in E-mail/LINE etc..
My Shift for Ladies
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only
MYシフト勤務表 feat.くまモン 1.1.0
Graceful Garden
大人気くまモンのシフト勤務表アプリ!簡単にシフト勤務のスケジュール管理を行うことができます。毎日使うものですので、面倒な機能は省いて誰でもシンプルに使えるようなアプリを目指しました。【特徴】・くまモンに癒されます♪・シフトパターン別に色分けできますので、視覚的にスケジュールを把握できます♪・ペタペタシールを貼り付ける感覚でカレンダーをタップするだけで簡単に勤務表を作れます♪・作ったカレンダー画像をLINEやメールで家族や友達に送ることができます♪・複数の勤務先を登録できますので、バイトやパートの掛け持ちもOKです♪是非ご活用ください。本アプリは、熊本県の許諾を頂いて配信しております。(c)2010熊本県くまモン#13316【使い方】===============================①勤務先を登録する===============================カレンダー画面左肩のメニューアイコンから「シフトパターン編集」をタップし、遷移先画面で「新規追加」ボタンをタップして勤務先を登録してください。複数登録が可能です。カレンダー画面では最上段の勤務先が最初に表示されますので、並べ替え機能で使い易い順序に変更してください。===============================②シフト体系を登録する===============================勤務先が登録できたら「シフト編集」ボタンをタップし、遷移先画面で「新規追加」ボタンをタップしてシフトパターンを登録してください。複数登録が可能です。===============================③スケジュールを登録する===============================カレンダー画面右肩のペンアイコンをタップすると画面下部にシフトパターンが表示されます(以降「編集モード」と呼びます)。「編集モード」の場合のみカレンダーへのスケジュール登録・削除が行えます。スケジュール登録したいシフトパターンをタップし(▼が移動)、カレンダーの日付の下をタップすると、そのシフトがスケジュール登録されます。カレンダー編集後、誤動作を避けるために必ず画面右肩のロックアイコンをタップしてください(以降「ロックモード」と呼びます)。===============================④メモを登録する===============================登録したスケジュールにメモを付加する場合は、「ロックモード」でカレンダーを「長押し」してください。「ロックモード」でタップすると登録内容がポップアップ表示されます。===============================⑤スケジュールを削除する===============================登録したスケジュールを削除する場合は、「編集モード」でカレンダーを「長押し」してください。===============================⑥カレンダー画像をLINE等で共有する===============================カレンダー画像をメールやLINEなどを使って送信する場合は、カレンダー画面左肩のメニューアイコンから「カレンダー画面送信」をタップしてください。===============================⑦勤務スケジュールをメール送信する===============================勤務スケジュールをメールでテキスト送信する場合は、カレンダー画面左肩のメニューアイコンから「メール送信」をタップしてください。Shift roster of popularapps Kumamon!It is possible to perform the schedule management of the workshifts easily.Because it is the thing to use every day, I aimed the app anyonethat could be used in simple by omitting tedious function.[Feature]· ♪ that is healed in Kumamon• The color-coded so you can shift to another pattern, ♪ that youwill have a good idea of ​​the schedule visually· ♪ that can make the roster is as simple as tapping the calendarin the sense that you want to paste the Petapeta seal· ♪ that you can send to family and friends by e-mail or LINEcalendar image which I made· Because you can register more than one place of work, or part ofKakemochi byte also is OK ♪Please utilize all means.In this application, we have delivered have gotten permission ofKumamoto Prefecture.(C) 2010 Kumamoto Kumamon # 13316[How to use]===============================I want to register ① Work===============================Tap the "shift pattern Edit" from the menu icon in the calendarscreen left shoulder, please register your place of work by tappingthe "Add New" button on the next screen. Multiple registration ispossible. Work of the top will appear first in the calendar screen,Please change the order, easy-to-use sorting feature.===============================I want to register a shift system ②===============================Tap the "shift EDIT" button employer Once you have registered,please register the shift pattern by tapping the "Add New" buttonin the next screen. Multiple registration is possible.===============================I register the ③ schedule===============================(This is called the "edit mode" later) shift pattern is displayedat the bottom of the screen when you tap the pen icon in thecalendar screen right shoulder. You can schedule registration anddeletion of the calendar only to the case of the "edit mode".(▼ move), when you tap the bottom of the calendar date by tappingthe shift pattern you want to schedule registration, the shift isscheduled registration. (This is called a "lock mode" later)calendar after editing, please tap the lock icon on the screenalways right shoulder in order to avoid malfunction.===============================I want to register a note ④===============================If you want to add a note to the schedule that you have registered,a "long press" Please to the calendar in the "lock mode".Registration details will pop up when you tap the "lock mode".===============================I delete the schedule ⑤===============================If you want to delete a schedule that you have registered, a "longpress" Please to the calendar in the "edit mode".===============================I share the LINE etc. ⑥ calendar image===============================If you want to send using the LINE and e-mail or a calendar image,please tap the "Calendar screen transmission" from the menu icon inthe calendar screen left shoulder.===============================I will e-mail a ⑦ work schedules===============================If you want to text Email work schedule, please tap the "send mail"from the menu icon in the calendar screen left shoulder.
Part Time Worker 1.9.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only!
Smart Card 1.30.0
Graceful Garden
♪Examinee support application!♪You can use the learning by heart card of necessities free.♪You can test only the difficult question for a correct answerrate.【Japanese Version Only】
Written Conversation 1.6.0
Graceful Garden
This is for written conversation!
Smart Paid 1.4.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only!
Kids Choice 1.0.0
Graceful Garden
It is a intellectual educationalapplication.You can play the colorful picture matching game,figure matchinggame,concentration game,choosing number game and so on.Please utilize.
Pet Care 1.8.0
Graceful Garden
You can manage your pet health.【Japanese Version Only】
Keiba Book 1.4.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only!
Smart Buy 1.1.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only
Handy Budget Note 1.0.0
Graceful Garden
It is an expenditure management applicationfor those who want to control expenses.Although it is not easy to increase an income, expenses can be cutdown according to a device.In order to control expenses, the method of deciding a budgetaccording to an item of expenditure every month, and checking thebalance every day is effective.This is an application for supporting so that you can live withhigh consciousness about money. The usage suitable for each lifestyle is possible.An effect is greatest although it is simple.Let's try!
Item List 1.3.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only
Find the Number 1.5.0
Graceful Garden
Get the Number ONE player!!
さわってあそぼ!のりものブーブー 1.0.0
Graceful Garden
指でなぞった軌道に沿ってたくさんの車やバイクが走り出します。操作が簡単ですので、小さいお子さんでも楽しく遊べます。お母さんが家事をしている間や電車・飛行機で移動している間のお子さんの一人遊び、泣き止まないお子さんの気分転換にも最適です。是非お試しください。Car or motorcycle a lotof started running along the trajectories traced with afinger.Operation because it is simple, I can play happily in smallchildren.It is most suitable for a change of your child solo play of a childwhile being moved by train or plane, while the mother is thehousework, not stop crying.Please try.
Golf Life 1.19.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only
No Smoke 1.15.0
Graceful Garden
This application is for smokers.【Japanese Version Only】
Wonderful ABC 1.5.0
Graceful Garden
This application is for intellectual trainingof the children.
Long Breath Timer 1.9.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only!
Smart Card for Ladies 1.1.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese version only
Chooooooose! 1.19.0
Graceful Garden
This application is for intellectual trainingof the two-year-old's children.
Family Diet 1.16.0
Graceful Garden
You can record your weight together.【Japanese Version Only】
Wonderful Numbers 1.12.0
Graceful Garden
This application is for intellectual trainingof the children.
かんたん時間割 feat.くまモン 1.1.0
Graceful Garden
大人気くまモンの時間割アプリです!家でも学校でもくまモンに癒されましょう♪是非お試しください。【特徴】○時間割機能・複数の時間割シートを作成できます。・授業毎に3教室まで登録できます。・授業毎に必要な持ち物を登録できます。・授業毎に自由に色分けができます。・画面表示する開始曜日、曜日数、時限数をカスタマイズできます。・A週/B週の別に時間割を作成できます。○出欠機能・授業毎に出席/欠席/休講をカウントできます。○メモ機能・カレンダー上に宿題/試験/その他の区分で簡易メモを登録できます。○その他・データベースファイルをバックアップできます。本アプリは、熊本県の許諾を頂いて配信しております。(c)2010熊本県くまモン#13383It is a timetableapppopular Kumamon!The ♪ Let's healed Kumamon at school at homePlease try.[Feature]○ timetable function· I can create a timetable multiple sheets.· I can register up to three classes in each class.· I can register your belongings needed for each class.· I can color freely in each class.· I can customize the start day of the week is displayed onthescreen, the number of weekdays, the number of timed.· I can create a separate schedule of week A / B week.○ attendance function· I can count the attendance / absence / No classes ineachclass.○ memo function· I can register a simple note in the section of the homework /test/ other on the calendar.○ other· I can back up the database files.In this application, we have delivered have gotten permissionofKumamoto Prefecture.(C) 2010 Kumamoto Kumamon # 13383
MY年表暗記カード 1.0.0
Graceful Garden
いつでもどこでも繰り返し年表の暗記学習ができるように開発したアプリです。用途を年表暗記に特化することで分かり易いUIを実現しました。◇自己採点テストで正解率が蓄積されるので苦手問題が一目瞭然です。◇正解率で絞り込めば苦手な問題だけ繰り返しテストできます。◇自動出題モードで何時でも何処でも繰り返し暗記勉強できます。◇簡易タイマーで勉強時間も管理できます。◇データをバックアップできます。■他にも勉強に役立つアプリを配信中です!!【スマート暗記カード】【スマート暗記カード for Ladies】【かんたん時間割】【勉強じかん管理簿】【勉強じかん管理簿 for Ladies】 is an applicationthatwas developed rote learning of chronology to be able torepeatanywhere at any time.I realized the UI easy to understand by specializing inchronologymemorize applications.◇ weak problem is obvious accuracy rate because theaccumulatedself-scoring test.◇ you can test it repeatedly only weak problem if narrowedinaccuracy rate.◇ You can memorize study is repeated anywhere at any time intheautomatic mode questions.◇ I can manage study time a simple timer.◇ I can back up data.■ It is the delivery of the application to help youstudyelsewhere![Smart card memorization][Smart card memorization for Ladies][Simple timetable][Study undersecretary management book][Study undersecretary management book for Ladies]
Sleeping Hours 1.5.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only!
No More Snacks 1.9.0
Graceful Garden
This is for dietter.【Japanese Version Only】
My Lesson Calendar 1.0.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only
With Baby 1.1.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only!
Shopping List 1.4.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only
Puta Pana
Graceful Garden
Puzzle game that a healing character that putspot on head 'Puta Pana' collects hearts.Dropping the box,dig up the hole well and all hearts are gotten,you can go to the next stage.It is the best game for the brain training.Who can finish all stages the first?Let's play with your family and friends!
Routine Works 1.2.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only
Anniversary Diary 1.2.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only!
Photo Diary 1.4.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only
Scrap Book 1.2.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only
No Crying 1.8.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only!
Make10 1.3.0
Graceful Garden
Let's make 10.Choose two figures and make 10.All figures are erased,it's cleared.Get the Number ONE player!!
My Fashion 1.0.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only!
My Club 1.1.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only
Shift Calendar 1.0.0
Graceful Garden
It is an application for performingschedulemanagement of shift-works.A shift is classified by color on calendar, so you canconfirmschedule visually.Please utilize.
Quest to Stop Smoking 1.2.0
Graceful Garden
Sorry!Japanese Version Only!
My Smoking 1.5.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only
Weekly Budget 1.7.0
Graceful Garden
Japanese Version Only
Find Pairs 1.5.0
Graceful Garden
Get the Number ONE player!!